Sun, Fun, and Fitness: How Teachers Can Promote Outdoor Activities in the Summer

The summer months provide a fantastic opportunity for students to enjoy the great outdoors, soak up the sun, and engage in physical activities. Outdoor activities offer numerous benefits for students' physical and mental health. They provide an outlet for energy, enhance creativity, foster social interaction, and develop problem-solving skills. When students engage in outdoor play, they learn to navigate challenges, work collaboratively, and explore the wonders of the natural world. To inspire you with exciting ideas for outdoor activities, here are 10 engaging and interactive options that will keep students active, entertained, and connected with nature throughout the summer months. 

10 Ideas for Outdoor Activities:

1. Nature Scavenger Hunt:

Create a list of items for students to find and explore in their local outdoor spaces, such as leaves, rocks, or specific types of plants. Encourage them to document their discoveries and share their experiences.

2. Fitness Circuit

Set up a fitness circuit in the schoolyard or nearby park, including stations for jumping jacks, lunges, high knees, and other exercises. Provide clear instructions and challenge students to complete the circuit within a set time.

3. Sidewalk Chalk Art

Encourage students to unleash their creativity by using sidewalk chalk to create vibrant artwork. They can draw hopscotch boards, colorful mazes, or even positive messages to uplift others in the community.

4. Outdoor Science Experiments

Take science lessons outdoors by conducting experiments that explore nature, weather patterns, or the properties of water. Students can observe insects, collect leaves for identification, or investigate how sunlight affects plant growth.

5. Water Play Day

Organize a water play day where students can enjoy water games, water balloon tosses, or simply cool off in sprinklers. Make sure to emphasize water safety and provide supervision during water activities.

6. Obstacle Course

Set up an outdoor obstacle course using cones, hula hoops, jump ropes, and other equipment. Students can navigate through different challenges, such as crawling under ropes, jumping over hurdles, and balancing on beams.

7. Bike Rides

Organize a bike ride day where students can bring their bicycles and explore the local neighborhood or nearby trails. Prioritize safety by emphasizing the importance of wearing helmets and following traffic rules.

8. Outdoor Yoga

Introduce students to the benefits of outdoor yoga by hosting a yoga session in a nearby park or open space. Encourage them to connect with nature as they practice mindfulness, stretching, and relaxation exercises.

9. Garden Projects

Create a school or community garden where students can learn about plants, participate in planting and nurturing activities, and eventually harvest the fruits or vegetables. This hands-on experience fosters a connection with nature and promotes healthy eating habits.

10. Sports Day

Organize a sports day where students can participate in various team sports such as soccer, basketball, or relay races. Divide them into teams, set up different game stations, and encourage friendly competition and sportsmanship.

Incorporating Hey Kanga into Outdoor Activities

Hey Kanga offers a range of resources that can enhance the outdoor experience for students. Incorporate active learning videos or movement breaks from Hey Kanga into your outdoor activities to make them more engaging and interactive. Encourage students to participate in Hey Kanga's fun exercises and dances while enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Safety Considerations

Don't forget to remind students to apply sunscreen, wear appropriate clothing and footwear, and stay hydrated during outdoor adventures. Educate them about sun safety and encourage the use of hats and sunglasses to protect themselves from harmful UV rays.

Collaboration and Community Involvement

Promote collaboration by reaching out to parents, local organizations, or other schools to organize community-based outdoor activities. Arrange joint events, such as nature walks, sports tournaments, or eco-friendly initiatives, to create a sense of community and encourage students to connect with others beyond the school setting.


We have the power to make a positive impact on our students' lives. By promoting and facilitating outdoor activities during the summer months, we contribute to their physical fitness, mental well-being, and overall development. Let's embrace the sunshine, explore the wonders of nature, and incorporate Hey Kanga resources to ensure our students have a summer filled with sun, fun, and fitness!


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