10 Challenges Teachers Face Incorporating Physical Activity (and how to solve them)

Incorporating physical activity into the classroom environment is essential for promoting student well-being and maximizing learning outcomes. Teachers often face challenges, however, when trying to integrate movement seamlessly into their day. In this post, we will explore the 10 common problems teachers encounter when implementing physical activity and how Hey Kanga provides solutions to overcome these obstacles.

  1. Problem: Limited Time 

Teachers often have a packed curriculum and limited time to cover all the required subjects. Finding time to integrate physical activity can be challenging without compromising academic goals.


Hey Kanga provides quick and play n’ go physical activity breaks and active curriculum videos that seamlessly integrate into the classroom routine. Adding short movement breaks into your day allows your students to make the most of their learning time by firing up their brains - optimizing your teaching time.

2. Problem: Lack of Resources

Many teachers struggle with limited resources, such as space, equipment, and funding, to implement engaging physical activities effectively. This can hinder their ability to provide diverse and engaging experiences for students.


Hey Kanga has video content that is specifically created to use with minimal equipment and space. Teachers can access a wide range of engaging activities, games, and exercises that don't rely on physical resources, making them accessible to classrooms with limited equipment or space! 

3. Problem: Lack of Training

Some teachers may not have received adequate professional development on how to incorporate physical activity into their lessons. They may feel unsure about how to start integrating daily move breaks.


Hey Kanga provides onboarding for all teachers, as well as full training manuals that can be downloaded at any time. Our intuitive, user-friendly platform make getting started a cinch!

 4. Problem: Classroom Management

Managing a classroom while incorporating physical activity can be a challenge. Teachers need to balance engagement, safety, and behavior management during active sessions, ensuring that all students participate and stay focused.


Hey Kanga's activities are designed to appeal to today’s students and promote a positive classroom environment. Fun Tik Tok style dances, yoga and mindfulness breaks and rhythmic drum routines keep students engaged and focused.

5. Problem: Assessments and Accountability

Traditional assessment methods may not capture the benefits of physical activity. Teachers might feel pressured to prioritize academic assessments over physical activities due to standardized testing and accountability measures.


Hey Kanga provides tracking and reporting features, allowing teachers to monitor students' participation and progress in physical activities. Teachers can easily track and assess students' engagement, providing evidence of the cognitive benefits of physical activity.

 6. Problem: Differentiated Instruction 

Teachers must consider modifications, accommodations, and inclusive practices to ensure all students can participate fully.


Hey Kanga offers a variety of activities suitable for all ages and abilities. Teachers can choose from a range of difficulty levels and modifications, ensuring that all students can participate and benefit from the physical activities.

 7. Problem: Resistance to Change 

Introducing new methods or breaking away from traditional classroom routines can be met with resistance from colleagues, administrators, or even parents. Gaining support for physical activity initiatives may require advocacy and collaboration.


Hey Kanga supports teachers with resources and success stories to advocate for the integration of physical activity in the classroom. The platform provides evidence-backed research and data that highlight the positive impact of physical activity on learning outcomes.

 8. Problem: Safety Concerns

Teachers must consider safety protocols and risk management when incorporating physical activity. Ensuring a safe environment, proper supervision, and suitable equipment are crucial to mitigate potential risks.


Hey Kanga provides guidelines and safety protocols to ensure students' safety during physical activities. Teachers can access age-appropriate activities and exercises that minimize potential risks while promoting a safe and inclusive environment.

 9. Problem: Space Constraints

Limited space within classrooms or school facilities can restrict the types of physical activities that can be implemented. Lack of outdoor areas or multipurpose spaces may limit the scope and variety of movement opportunities.


Hey Kanga's activities are designed to be adaptable to various spaces, including small classrooms or limited outdoor areas. The platform offers a mix of activities that can be performed in different settings, with minimal or no equipment required, ensuring that space constraints do not hinder physical activity opportunities.

 10. Problem: Administrative Support

Without adequate support from school administrators and policymakers, teachers may face challenges in securing necessary resources, time allocations, and recognition for the importance of physical activity in the curriculum.


Hey Kanga offers resources and materials to support teachers in advocating for the importance of physical activity. With evidence-based research and data, teachers can demonstrate the positive impact of physical activity on student well-being and academic performance to gain administrative support.

Incorporating physical activity into the classroom can be challenging, but with the right resources and support, teachers can overcome these obstacles. Hey Kanga offers a comprehensive solution that addresses the 10 common problems faced by teachers. By providing quick and easy activities, minimal resource requirements, training and support, classroom management tools, assessment features, differentiated instruction options, and more, Hey Kanga empowers teachers to seamlessly integrate physical activity into their lessons. With Hey Kanga's support, teachers can create an active and engaging learning environment that promotes student well-being and academic success.

Remember, the benefits of physical activity in the classroom extend far beyond movement. It enhances focus, boosts cognitive function, improves behavior, and cultivates a positive classroom atmosphere. So, let's embrace the power of physical activity and create an environment where students can thrive both physically and academically!


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