Why Hey Kanga?
Prioritizing physical activity means making sure our students reach their full physical, mental-emotional, and academic potential.
There is a substantial link between physical activity, good mental health and overall well-being and its correlation to strong academic outcomes - but plenty of teachers simply don’t have the resources to easily teach this.
Hey Kanga is here because:
1. 75% of kids don’t get enough exercise
…meaning their social, emotional and physical development is at risk. This is a key age for forming lifelong healthy habits in children that can shape their future selves. Hey Kanga teaches children that exercise is fun, easy and can be slotted into every day.
2. Teachers don’t have time to integrate activity breaks
Hey Kanga makes it effortless to pop on a quick video for a transition break that will help your students increase focus and attention, turn minds back on, and give you a better arena for learning.
3. The way we teach Physical Education and Health is outdated
…meaning plenty of kids feel disillusioned with exercise before they’re even out of elementary school. Hey Kanga removes the focus on competition, skill and being an “athletic person”. Instead, we teach kids the joy of movement and personal best, how great our mind feels when we move freely, and that anyone can love fitness - regardless of ability.
It’s a full physical education, mindfulness and well-being curriculum - ready for teachers to access any time their class needs a move break, a mindful moment or even a full PE lesson.

And the benefits are for everyone!
Active Hey Kanga kids:
achieve higher levels of academic success than their less active peers
get exposed to a richer variety of exercise activities
learn to listen to their bodies and form healthy attitudes towards exercise
experience the benefits of physical education on their social, emotional and mental development
LOVE to move!
And their teachers:
spend 21% less time managing behavior
are supported by a team of instructors, education experts and fitness gurus
know they’re having the healthiest possible impact on their class’s well-being
spend less time planning PE lessons
get to spend more time simply enjoying teaching
can deliver lessons their class are guaranteed to love

It’s our job to teach children that exercise is playful, exciting and made for everyone.
Luckily, the solution is not only clear… it’s fun and feel-good for everyone!